pdf archive
From 1998-2002, the JMT’s magazine, Users’ Voice was published 18 times. The JMT was assisted to do this by several different funders and graphic designers – Comic Relief, Central and North West London drug services, Drugscope, Bristol Myers Squibb, JP Getty Charitable Foundation, Trevor Parsons, Paul Mitchell, Mohammed Sahid and John Campbell. THANKS A ZILLION TO ALL OF YOU.
Please note: We decided to just include the more recent editions of the Users’ Voice and only a few earlier ones. Please feel free to contact us if you want to read the earlier hard copies.
Issue 1: [7 pages]
- The John Mordaunt Trust – Who, What and Why?
- First, let’s reduce the harm
- Happy Ending – by Andy
Issue 2: [8 pages]
- HIV+ ex-user addresses the UNGASS, 1998 (UN General Assembly Special Session on drugs) re the futility and inhumanity of the drug war – the speech by Marsha Burnett
- A User’s Tale – by Jo Leigh
Issue 3: [5 pages]
- Hit OR miss – by Jude
- Editorial;We need Unity! – by Andria
- Letters
- Fear & Loathing in New Britain by ‘Teeny Blair’
- Not ‘Monkeying’ Around Anymore – by Washington DC’s David Morrison
- Young People, drug misuse and homelessness – by Tim Meddick
- Letters
- Let It Be Me – John Francis of New Delhi’s ‘Beyond Appearances’ User-Group
- Living with hep C and treatment – by Jim the Plumber
- ‘Tackling Drugs,’ ignoring users – by Tom Hood
- Working in the Field – by Gary Sutton
Issue 6: Editorial: [7 pages, 790KB]
- Get grateful, become an activist – by Andria
- Telling it like it is – Andria Efthimiou addresses the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (policy-making wing of UN drug bureaucracy.)
- The Chill-out room
- A new beginning – IHRA involves Users big-time at their Geneva Conf.
- In the beginning was the word, and the word was ignorance – by Lin Scott
- All we need is truth and time – Imani Woods
- A Star in the East – drug users organise at Slovenian conference
- The TRANSFORM interview with founder member, Danny Kushlick
- AIDS Treatments: getting the knowledge
- Positive change in Puerto Rico by Nemesio Moreno
- In memoriam for Joe Magee, 22 and his Ma; poem, “Bear Dancing” by Steve Martin
- My First Time – Ben Shuttleworth (RIP) attends his 1st drug conference
- Hep C figuring out the facts..Matt Dolan.
- Don’t get carried away; there must be a new [drug policy] approach grounded in commons sense, Ethan Nadelmann, Exec Director of the Drug Policy Alliance teaches a more pragmatic and compassionate way.
- Me & Mr Nice: UV9 interviews the infamous Howard Marks.
- The AIDS/User movement: an herstory by Andria Efthimiou.
- Breaking down the myths; inspired by Transforms campaign pack, Ritza see a very real potential for change.
- Using drugs can be ok in recovery; Jude gets real about depression.
Issue 10: [3 pages]
- Ruth Wyner and John Brock – Editorial – Jailed for protecting client confidentiality
- .
- The HIV Page; Dr Ian Williams and Keith Alcorn report back from 7th International conference on Retroviruses.
Issue 11: [10 pages]
- Editorial: User Activists march on – Andria Efthimiou sums up but a few of our GREAT achievements.
- (continued).
- The Talking Doc on the importance of GPs prescribing to drug users.
- U.S Activists Launch Drug Peace Movement; Drug Policy Alliance is born.
- More News.
- Our Vision is Simple; a Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users rep, Brian A speaks out.
- World AIDS Conference Report, Durban 2000, by Andria Efthimiou.
- Mat Southwell, Laying the Foundations of a User Network in the U.K.
- Justin Kerrigan, director of ‘Human Traffic,’ on his great film.
Issue 12: [6 pages]
- Editorial: Politicians in and out of the drug-closet
- (continued)
- Changing Tides,Paul Smyth,on Needle-Exchange in the belly of the beast, America.
- HIV & Young People, by Lin Scott
- Film Review of ‘Traffic’ directed by Steven Soderburgh
- ‘Why I write’ poem by Andria
Issue 13: [7 page]
- Editorial: ‘It’s been a long time coming but i know a change is gonna come’ (Otis Redding song title used as editorial title.)
- Wales to get it’s own Y-Llais (user Group). Justin Glover reports
- Dr David Marjot enlightens. Drug deaths – what really kills drug users..
- Anonymous academic talks; Living with drugs at work
- A year on Interferon: Sue Charlesworth, the brave, copes with HCV treatment.
Issue 14: [9 pages]
- Mr Protest himself gay activist Peter Thatchell speaks out about AIDS and drugs.
- Matt Dolan gives the low down on HCV treatments when on methadone
- Vic Hernandez American AIDS researcher and activist keeps us on our toes about AIDS. Thank-God somebody does
- UK Harm Reduction Alliance 1st conference report.
Issue 15: [7 pages]
- Editorial, Hope Springs Eternal
- Weary but not sleeping, Peter McDermott, writer and activist
- The Latins get organised, Andria Efthimiou on the 1st Latin American Harm Reduction conference.
- AMFAR’s Dr. Mathilde Krim: AIDS prevention – another History lesson.
- Editorial: Rebel with a cause, Brian Paddick famous for the Brixton ‘experiment’ interviewed.
- Liberate the Spirit. UV looks at Spirituality and drugs – Mohammed SajidRev.
- Ken Leech, drugs and spirituality.
- Drugs, no drugs: God’s love always the sameRabbi Schacter-Shalomi.
- Maureen Roberts, a pioneering user’s Mum inspires all.
- Cannabis Users Guide; avoiding any adverse affects, by Chris Sanders
Issue 17: [16 pages]
- Editorial: There is nothing to fear but fear itself (p2)
- Newsround (p4)
- Interview of David Cameron M.P of the Home Affairs Select Committee tells all about how they came to have the drug policy hearings (p5, p6)
- Lorraine Hewitt Obituaries by Grant McNally and Neil Hunt (p8)
- A Gathering of International Marijuana Law Reformers by Anthony Tongue (p9, p10)
- Rosario – Argentina’s March for Marijuana Decriminalisation (p11)
- Danish Drug Users Union 8th Anniversary (p12)
- Introducing the Argentinian Drug Users Organisation – RADDUD (p13)
- Holiday time – where you can and can’t take methodone with you (p14, p15)
- Info and Contacts (p16)
Issue 18: [10 pages]
- p2 – Drug Policy Reform gains a little momentum, Thank God! Andria’s final editorial
- p3 – (continued)
- p4 – (continued)
- p5 – Marco Cappato MEP stages yet another pot civil disobedience.
- p6 – U.S. Harm Reduction Conference, Seattle, by journalist Dan Forbes
- p7 – Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (VANDU) protest prohibition
- p8 – Brett Calabrese on Getting healthy (after addiction) with yoga
- p9 – The AIDS page
- p10 – So what’s so good about ‘crack’ then? P. Peet (NYC) and others speak out
- p11 – Vancouver Users receive HIV and Human Rights Award
- p12 – Ibogaine – a psychadelic treatment for multiple dependencies
- p13 – Film Review – Morven Callar
- p15 – Johnathan Ott speaks to the Users Voice about many critical things